I don't know about you, but whenever I scroll through this wedding gallery my jaw DROPS to the floor. The blossoms, the florals, THE DRESS, the venue, the EVERYTHING was so perfect! One of my favorite reasons for being a wedding photographer is that I get to live vicariously through the couple and get to experience wedding days over and over again (muahaha). And this wedding is one that I would 1000% pattern my wedding day after if I could go back and redo many a things.

Kayla & Steven are also the best clients ever. They were so chill and just enjoyed the day as it went. There was zero stress to be found and that my friends is very hard to accomplish on one of the most important days of your life.

Relive this stunning wedding with me as you scroll through the photos. One of my favorite element that was captured was the raw emotion of the day. It just makes my heart so. dang. happy.